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Today we show you how to whiten you teeth using products that will cost you under 5 dollars! ...

A smile can lighten someone’s darkest day and make you feel better at the same time; it cansay a million things without you saying a single word. So for something that special it’s onlynatural that we ...

During the last few years the department of dentistry has taken giant leaps and bounds in technology available to them and also in patient care. Thanks to these advances these days a pleasant, bright ...

Choosing the Best Toothbrush Shopping for a toothbrush can be a little daunting; while most of us use a toothbrush every day of our adult lives, many of us don’t know where to even begin when we’re st ...

Are Veneers Right for Me? Over time, teeth are discolored. Tobacco, food, chemical damage, and even simply the aging process may all be to blame. Cosmetic dentistry has developed a wide range of pro ...

You Want White Teeth Without Expensive Over-The-Counter Products? Here's An Inexpensive, Effective Solution. Everywhere you look there are products for whitening teeth. You could spend a fortune on p ...

Did you know that garlic breath is really garlic lungs? According to the Mayo Clinic, garlic breath stems from chemicals in the garlic that get absorbed into your bloodstream and that cause you to giv ...

Halitosis, or bad breath, unfortunately affects all of us at some point in our lives. And boy, does having bad breath suck. It can make the difference between acing your job interview and making your ...

In this tutorial, we learn how to detect and avoid bad breath. If your mouth is very dry, it's going to smell worse and worse. The more oxygen and moisture that you have in your mouth, the less bacter ...

You gums are just as important as your teeth to maintain if you want to keep chewing into your old age, so take care of them! This video offers some easy tips on ways to do so beyond simple brushing a ...