How To: Deal with a knocked out tooth

Deal with a knocked out tooth

A childhood visit from the tooth fairy is one thing, but having a permanent tooth knocked out is another, distinctly less enjoyable affair. Act fast and it could be a temporary one. Learn how to deal with a knocked out tooth.

You Will Need:

* Sterile gauze pads
* Cup
* Water
* Moistened tea bag
* Whole milk

Step 1: Find tooth
Find your tooth—or piece of tooth—as quickly as possible.

Step 2: Pick up by tip
Pick it up by the tip only—not the roots.

Step 3: Apply gauze
Apply sterile gauze to the socket where the tooth was knocked out to staunch the bleeding.

Step 4: Gently rinse tooth
Gently rinse the tooth in a cup of water.
*Tip: Move fast—a dentist has the best chance of reimplanting a tooth within 30 minutes—but very gently. Don't try to wipe the tooth clean or hold it under running water.

Step 5: Place tooth in socket
Place the tooth back into its socket.
*Tip: Do this for adults only—children may swallow the tooth.

Step 6: Place gauze pad
Place a gauze pad or a moistened tea bag over the tooth, between the bottom and upper teeth, and very gently close your mouth to hold it in place.
*Tip: If you are unable to place the tooth back in the socket, submerge it in a cup of whole milk or your own saliva—not water—until you can get to the dentist. Transporting the tooth dry can cause permanent nerve damage to the tooth within a few minutes.

Step 7: Seek emergency care
Seek emergency care immediately. If you cannot get to a dentist right away, go to a hospital emergency room—and don't forget the tooth!

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