Did you know that garlic breath is really garlic lungs? According to the Mayo Clinic, garlic breath stems from chemicals in the garlic that get absorbed into your bloodstream and that cause you to give off garlic breath.
Halitosis, or bad breath, unfortunately affects all of us at some point in our lives. And boy, does having bad breath suck. It can make the difference between acing your job interview and making your potential boss step sharply away from you in digust, and can ruin those special first date kisses.
In this tutorial, we learn how to detect and avoid bad breath. If your mouth is very dry, it's going to smell worse and worse. The more oxygen and moisture that you have in your mouth, the less bacteria will be inside it. For people with halitosis, they have a big problem with bad breath. Bacteria lives in your tongue, so you can't scrape them away. You can take a test to see how bad your breath is with a machine. After you do this test, you can learn how to keep more hydrated. Once you have...
You gums are just as important as your teeth to maintain if you want to keep chewing into your old age, so take care of them! This video offers some easy tips on ways to do so beyond simple brushing and flossing.
In this video, we learn how to whiten yellow teeth at home with a lemon. You will need: a q-tip, baking soda, and a lemon. First, cut the lemon in half and squeeze out all the juice into a container, then add in baking soda to the juice to make a paste and mix together with the q-tip. Now, apply this mixture onto your teeth and leave on for around 10 minutes. After you have done this, you will have whiter teeth in just a few minutes! Only use this mixture a couple times a week, because it is...
In this tutorial, we learn how to whiten teeth in one minute using household items. You will need: a lemon, baking powder, and a cup to do this. First, pour baking powder into a cup and then squeeze the juice of a lemon into the cup. After this, mix the two together until you have a paste and all water. Now, rinse your mouth out with this mixture. Do this several times a week and you can get your teeth to become eight shades whiter! This is a great way to whiten your teeth without having to...
Bad breath can be a first date killer, the difference between embracing your guy in a sumptuous first kiss and having him hold his nose closed in disgust as you open your mouth and immediately turn from princess to banshee.
In this video, we learn how to tie a surgical knot in someone's mouth. First, you will push through the gum into the tooth root, you will do this with surgical string and two surgical pliers made for this. Then, you will push the needle and thread through on the other side of the tear until you can tie a knot. Tie this knot several different times until both sides of the tear are closed. Once you have both sides closed, you have successfully tied a surgical knot. This is easily done when the...
Nobody likes having bad breath. Not only does it leave you with a bad taste and scare away potential suitors, it can be a signal of more serious dental issues. This helpful video from Colgate offers up some tips you can use to cure your bad breath and improve your overall health.
This how-to video shows you how to tie a figure eight suture. This is useful for finishing up oral surgery dealing with things such as tooth extraction. First, pull the string through one side of the gum with your tools. Next, take the end and pull it through on the other side. Once this is done, pull the string through the gum on the opposite corner. Once this is done, pull the string through the gum on the opposite of the corner. From here, you have formed a basic figure eight suture. ...
It is important to have healthy teeth not only for your appearance but for your overall health as well. You can keep your teeth white by avoiding foods that stain your teeth and having a good cleaning routine including fluoride
Vampires and bad dreams aren't the only enemies of the unwary sleeper. Teeth grinding while asleep is an annoying and possibly painful problem afflicting may people. There are a variety of reasons you may grind your teeth but, luckily, there are also a number of solutions to this nocturnal problem.
Strawberries contain malic acid, which is great for removing stains on your teeth.You Will Need* 1 ripe strawberry* 1/2 tsp. baking soda* A soft toothbrush* Dental floss* Mouthwash* Hydrogen peroxide
Having less-than-brilliant teeth doesn't have to mean a trip to the dentist or a whitening kit. Try this all-natural remedy instead. Watch this video to learn how to whiten teeth naturally.
Your tooth is throbbing, your head is pounding, and the oral surgeon can't see you until this afternoon. You'll need something to take the edge off until the good doctor can fit you in.
A childhood visit from the tooth fairy is one thing, but having a permanent tooth knocked out is another, distinctly less enjoyable affair. Act fast and it could be a temporary one. Learn how to deal with a knocked out tooth.
This dental health flossing tutorial illustrates the C-Shape flossing technique for healthy mouth, gums and teeth. Flossing is integral to dental health and keeping your smile beautiful. The demo is done by flossing a pair of false teeth. Floss everyday!
Using mouth guards or mouth pieces, protect the mouth and teeth from injury during sporting events or intense activity. There are two general types of mouth guards that can be utilized. Learn how to fit a mouth guard and stay fit in this sports medicine how to video.
So you got a very bad cavity and now you need a root canal. What is a root canal and how is your dentist going to do it? This how to video tutorial walks you through the step-by-step process of the root canal procedure performed my most dentist.
Dentures and false teeth serve both functional and aesthetic purposes. Hear information about dentures and false teeth from a dentist in this free oral hygiene video series.
Interested in teeth whitening products? Learn how to keep your teeth bright and white with expert tips from a dentist on instant and prescription teeth whiteners in this free oral health video series.
A regular coronal teeth polishing contributes to healthy teeth and gums. Learn more about polishing the crowns of teeth in this free dental health video from a dentistry professional.
Around 50% of us suffer from halitosis (or bad breath) at some time in our lives, and one in four adults suffer from it on a regular basis. In this exclusive guide, Dr McKenna demonstrates a simple technique to check for bad breath, and advises on ways we can ultimately prevent the 'death breath'. She also reminds us that around 90% of bad breath cases are due to poor oral hygiene, so a visit to the dental hygienist at least once a year wouldn't hurt. Well, it might do…but would you rather have...
Worried about your constant bad breath? Bad breath or halitosis is a common and embarrassing problem. This how to video explains why you might have bad breath and how you can get rid of it. Watch this tutorial and you'll have fresh breath in no time.
Dr. Flora Stay shares what ingredients are needed to keep our mouths healthy, inlcuding baking soda, zielatol, and calcium pyrophosphate. She breaks down what we really need, to keep our dirty mouths clean.
Many people suffer from halitophobia: an irrational fear of having bad breath. Here's a handy way to lay your fears to rest—or confirming it once and for all.
These simple steps won't just rid your mouth of unwanted morsels—they'll help prevent gum disease and tooth decay. So don't just stand there—get flossing!
Just imagine: your orthodontist finally removes your braces and holds up the mirror to reveal perfectly straight teeth...filled with cavities! Don't let this nightmare happen to you, clean your braces care.
In this how-to video clip series on how to maintain healthy teeth and gums, learn how to practice good dental hygiene, including how to prevent gingivitis, plaque buildup and cavities, how to brush your teeth properly, whether to use an electric toothbrush, how to clean your tongue, how to prevent bad breath, how to floss correctly, and other tips and techniques for a healthy mouth.
Robert Jackson shows some tips on caring for your teeth properly. Robert discusses different ways to brushing your teeth, stating that brushing once a day can be enough if done properly.
Robert Jackson shows how to deal with a sore gum. Using dental floss, Robert shows a quick and easy tip for combating a sore gum due to trapped food within the gums.
This how-to video shows the best way yet to get whiter teeth using cheap household items! The preparation and time to do this is less than 5 minutes. Watch this video tutorial and learn how to whiten teeth.